2025 Right Here, Right Now Global Climate Summit

Leading universities around the world, including the University of Nairobi, will co-hos

Calls to intensify investment in Climate Action in Africa at the 4th AAAP Partnership Forum

Nairobi, September 16, 2024 – At the 4th Africa Acceleration Adaptation Part

Afretec Knowledge Creation Proposal Writing Training

The UoN Afretec Knowledge Creation Pillar launched a two-day Proposal Writing Training

The University established an Internationalization Policy

The University of Nairobi through a three-day workshop in Naivasha established an Inter

UoN and Tianjin Normal University enter into Partnership during 2024 FOCAC Summit

The University of Nairobi and Tianjin Normal University entered into a collaboration to

Meet Linus Anari: Winner of NASA's Pale Blue Dot Challenge

In a triumph that resonates far beyond the lecture halls of the University of Nairobi,
